Favorite Things

Favorite Things – Summer Picks

Even if you can’t grow a large garden this summer you can grow an herb garden! I love cooking with fresh herbs all summer. Did you know 1 branch of basil will grow roots in a glass of water so you can multiply your plants? Check out these herb starter kits!

Get the kids outside and growing in the garden!

It feels so good to instill the art of growing your own food in your children. And while they are too small to use the heavy tools, this little kit is the perfect size to enable them to help in any type of garden! Then watch how proud they are when they see what comes of their time spent with you in the garden.

Portable, Waterproof Speaker

If you are spending a lot of time outdoors by the pool, cooking out and having get-togethers you are going to want a durable, waterproof speaker. I love that it has a handle for easy portability. Great sound and connectivity. This speaker gives you a soundtrack to go with your summer.

Stay Hydrated

Keep Your Pup Hydrated Too

If you are going anywhere with your dog this summer a collapsible dog bowl is a must! The one below is for large dogs. For smaller dogs try these 25 oz collapsible dog dish (3 pack)

Get Intentional With Your Health

I have always worked out sporadically. When my dad had a heart attack this winter I realized I need to be more intentional about my health. Keeping track of how much I move, what I eat and my sleeping patterns helps me make better decisions for my health.

Do you have something you are loving this summer? I would love to know about it! Join me on Facebook or Instagram to connect.