Do Good

Help Fight Human Trafficking with Blue Bear Coffee Co

I love company’s with that work for a purpose and a cause. Blue Bear Coffee Co is one such company. Below is an excerpt from their website that tells their story. Consider purchasing your next bag of coffee from this company (purchase here). Your mornings will be a little brighter knowing you are doing aiding this worthy cause to help end human trafficking.

From Blue Bear Coffee Co

Our story began a few weeks before Christmas in December 2017, when Bryn, Blue Bear’s founder, an ex UK Police Officer, was working for a charity investigating human trafficking in the Dominican Republic.

After one particularly poignant rescue, a young girl was asked if there was anything from home the team could collect for her. The child had experienced unspeakable suffering and would never be returning to this house again. After thinking for a while, she asked for her blue bear. Moments later she was driven away from the scene with an old, dirty, dog-eared and damaged teddy sat snuggly on her lap as she clung to it for comfort.

After this experience, Bryn raised some money for a teddy bear fund to ensure that every child they rescued would be given a new, clean and fresh bear to cuddle. Something that said ‘you are loved’ and ‘you matter’.
The money raised that Christmas far exceeded the original target and went on to provide financial assistance to the many young girls and boys in the organisation’s care.
The girl and her younger siblings were rehoused and have since started their journey of restoration.
Blue Bear Coffee Co is the commercial embodiment of this teddy bear fund, investing 100% of its profits in agencies investigating human trafficking and caring for it’s survivors. The unacceptable truth is that there are more people held in slavery today than at any time in history.
At Blue Bear we intend to do something about it.