
2021 – What I am doing differently this year

I know New Year’s resolutions are cliché and many people are against them. I say, to each his own! If it works for you AWESOME, if you can start a big change at any time of the year GOOD FOR YOU! That is not what this post is meant to be. This post is a reflection of the past year(s) and deciding what I want to continue doing and what I want to change. Reflection is a healthy practice and I encourage you to take time to do this for your own personal growth.

The year 2020 was a rough one, but honestly most of my years have felt rough. However, amidst the hard things there are always good and even wonderful things. This is called “life”. I make a conscious effort to focus on the good things, at the same time I do not ignore the bad. I give the bad an honest look and decide what to do with it. For example, this year my Gram, minister and beloved pup all passed away. For these events I allowed myself to grieve. I have allowed these events to affect me in that I am more driven to have better relationships with people and I plan to use my time more wisely because you truly do not know how much of it you have. These are the things I will carry over to 2021. They are good things that have come from the hard stuff in 2020.

So here they are, the things that I will do differently this year…

  • I will take better care of myself. This includes going to the doctor, eating better, working out, and doing things that are good for my soul.
  • I will be intentional with my time. I am making priorities and planning around them. If it doesn’t fit into those priorities than I will think long and hard when deciding if I will take it on or not.
  • I will make a difference in the lives of people around me and hopefully those that I am not in direct contact with. I have really struggled with the role I play in the world around me. I feel as if I have been in hiding and I want that to change. I also feel overwhelmed by what I already have taken on and know that I don’t have the time to dedicate to anything else. Hopefully this will change as I become more intentional on how I spend my time.

What have you discovered about yourself or your life upon reflection? I’d love to hear about what you are doing differently.