
Lessons I’ve Learned From Quarantine

A few days after St. Patrick’s Day we were told that everyone was to stay at home unless it was absolutely necessary. Then we were given guidelines to tell us what was necessary or “essential” and what was not. It all felt very abrupt and panicked. No one knew what to expect so they over-ran the stores in fear. Schools were closed. Businesses shut down. New rules in place. Then we were told to sit tight and wait. And so we did.

During our time in quarantine, I learned several things about myself, my family and what was our normal, everyday life. As we are going into green and restrictions are easing, I am hoping to hold on to what I’ve learned and use it to make our lives a little better than they were before quarantine.

Lessons about my children

Before quarantine my kids and I were running to multiple activities every day of the week. When those activities were cancelled I watched to see how my kids would respond. Not one of them asked about their activity and why were weren’t going. They filled their time playing and creating. Boredom forced them to be more creative and imaginative. I read aloud to them everyday. We sat down to eat and played board games. And we all agreed that we liked those activities more than the ones that were cancelled.

This is not to say my children will never be signed up for another activity. However, it does mean that we will back off. If we find ourselves running everyday of the week we will step back from something and create more family time. We will take summers off to enjoy the weather and make memories together.

Lessons About My Life

I hadn’t realized how rushed our lives were until we had to put them on hold. When I was told that I couldn’t work and I was forced to take a break, I felt a huge weight lifted that I didn’t even know I was carrying around.

During our time at home I was able to catch up on housework that I hadn’t had time to deal with. I planted a garden from seeds. We got chickens. I remembered how much I loved to cook now that I had time to do it. I had the time to work out and feel better than I have in a long time. I was able to read books that I had in a stack waiting on me for years. Now that I am able to work again, I am going to slow down. Before I was always moving forward at a fast pace. My thoughts were, “do more, what’s next, do more” and that led to having little time or capacity for any thing other than my business.

Now, I am scheduling time to be with my kids (mentally and physically) and take time for me, without feeling guilty. It feels like I went from running in a race to walking and enjoying the scenery.

Another lesson I learned is that we don’t need as much as we thought we did. During quarantine we did not go anywhere and we saved a lot of money. I saved hundreds of dollars in gas and food. We also saved hundreds because the kids weren’t in activities. We also spent more time outside. And overall, we were happier.

So basically, I learned that if we run life as if it is a race we will get to the end without ever enjoying the scenery. I am very glad to slow down and enjoy my time. We will all get to the end, I will do it at my own pace and be happier for it.

What did you learn about yourself during quarantine? I would love to hear about it! Drop a comment, join us on Facebook and Instagram and let me know!