• Printable Goal and Expense Calendar

    Free Printable Goal & Expense Calendar

    I LOVE planners! I bought on for this year and it is simpler than the planner I had last year. I have always used my planner to keep track of more than just our schedule of activities. I write out goals, my weight, my extra spending, things that happened on the day or funny things my kids say. This year I really want to focus on accomplishing my goals and becoming financially healthy. So I created a very simple layout for anyone that would like to keep track of those things. This calendar can be printed and used in a binder. The squares are large enough to write down your…

  • Life

    2021 – What I am doing differently this year

    I know New Year’s resolutions are cliché and many people are against them. I say, to each his own! If it works for you AWESOME, if you can start a big change at any time of the year GOOD FOR YOU! That is not what this post is meant to be. This post is a reflection of the past year(s) and deciding what I want to continue doing and what I want to change. Reflection is a healthy practice and I encourage you to take time to do this for your own personal growth. The year 2020 was a rough one, but honestly most of my years have felt rough.…

  • Food

    Valentine’s Day Truffles

    Valentine’s Day is almost here which calls for treats (namely chocolate treats)! Truffles are perfect because they are easy to make and small so you can share. Here are a few recipes for truffles that I’ve found around the internet. Make them to take to work, share with your friends, kids, or sweetie! Oreo Truffles from Sugar Spun Run Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles from Sugar Spun Run Ok, this one is on a stick but they can easily be made without a stick which just makes this recipe even easier. Brownie Truffles by Mel’s Kitchen Cafe Chocolate Truffles from Sugar Spun Run My children and I had a lot…

  • Life

    What You Need To Know Before You Get A Puppy

    Yay! We got a puppy! Oh no! We got a puppy! This is how I feel about our current situation. Puppies are ADORABLE and can be a lot of fun. Puppies are a lot of work and a long term commitment. Before you are convinced by the cuteness to get a puppy, here are some things you should know. Our beloved dog, Reese, passed away this summer. She was 12 years old when cancer took her. My kids and I were heartbroken. After Reese I wasn’t sure I wanted another dog. They are a lot of work and a long term commitment. Although I missed the companionship of a pup,…

  • Food

    Turnovers – An Easy Treat

    This past year I have been reading the Little House series with my children. We are on the 3rd book, “Farmer Boy” which is about Almanzo. In it he talks about his mother packing turnovers in his lunch. He also seems to always be eating doughnuts! My kids asked me if I could make them turnovers. Why not?! I am always looking for quick and easy treats. Turnovers have become a favorite go to for these reasons, and they are so yummy. Kids’ Aprons on Amazon What you’ll need: Here is what you need to make turnovers:1 package of Puff Pastry1 can of pie filling1 egg for an egg wash…

  • Garmin kids activity tracker
    Favorite Things

    Why My Kids and I Love The Garmin Vivofit Jr.

    This Christmas my kids got a few things from their lists to Santa but one of their favorite gifts was the Garmin Vivofit Jr., an activity tracker/watch. Why Mom Likes Garmin’s Vivofit Jr. These activity trackers work with a free app that a parent controls. I add chores with reminders that alert my child that they have a task to complete. Some of the chores/tasks are for them to make their beds, brush their teeth, feed the dog, help with dishes, shower, complete school work, practice piano, lights out at a certain time, etc. When their task is done I check it off the list and they earn a token.…

  • Life

    The Kids Will Be Okay | Resilience

    When I was trying to figure out how to handle my failing marriage, one of my biggest fears was how this would affect my children. I hated when people told me not to worry, kids are resilient, they’ll be fine. But as a child of divorce myself, I knew that was something people told themselves so they could deal with their situation and not worry about their kids. I don’t think that a person is born resilient or that it is a quality all kids possess. I believe that resilience is developed over time, through experiences. So why am I talking about this? Well it has nothing to do with…

  • Favorite Things

    Fall Candles | Favorite Things

    When the weather starts to turn cooler, it’s time for Fall colors, comfy sweaters, and bonfires. I love the chill in the evening air… it’s perfect for snuggling up with someone (for me it’s all 3 of my kiddos). To top it all off, it is cool enough for CANDLES! I love the atmosphere candles create and I have found my favorite candles. I have been using these candles for several years now. They are made of 100% soy blend and are lead and phthalate free. I used to make my own candles with soy, beeswax and essential oils but I wanted ease and variety so I set out to…

  • Life

    Helping Your Kids Handle Anxiety & Depression

    Anxiety and depression are on the rise in children and young adults. Dealing with these conditions can be tough for adults, so it is incredibly important that we help our children learn how to recognize these feelings and handle them in a healthy way. You don’t have to wait to see signs of anxiety or depression to start doing the suggestions below. Parents, help your child implement these actions into their lives. Show them by example, do them together. Too many times we assume our children know what to do with information they are given. Healthy ways to handle anxiety and depression: Establish healthy habits and routines Build good relationships…

  • Life,  The Hard Stuff


    There’s a song that I never really understood until recently. “Smile, though your heart is breaking. Smile, even though it’s aching…” I used to wonder how anyone could smile if their heart hurt? When I realized my marriage was over, my heart hurt. It was the deepest hurt I had ever felt. It was a hurt that I couldn’t understand or reason away. I thought after I grieved it would go away but instead it lingers. I tried to think of it as a break up but it is much more than that, it is the end of the life you built and the future you thought you had. I…