Live Well

Live Intentionally

I’m sure you have heard a lot of talk about living intentionally but it’s for good reason. It is incredibly easy to fall into the monotonous (yet often chaotic) routine of life. This is when life flies by and you realize you didn’t do all the things you wanted/meant to do. Routine is comfortable and, like a giant, body absorbing couch you sink into when you sit down, it’s hard to get out of (help me up!). I am guilty of this and honestly, it makes me angry. There are things I wanted to do with and for my children. Years have passed and I still haven’t done those things I swore I would start and do every year. I wanted to accomplish a goal but I never intentionally made time for it so it’s always in the back of my mind, making me feel unproductive and unaccomplished. There are things I’ve wanted to try, places I want to go, but nope, I unintentionally let the comfort of routine get in the way and time moves on without me. That is all going to change!

Let’s start living intentionally! I want to be intentional with my health, my kids, my relationships, my finances, EVERYTHING! And I want you to join me. Everything we do is a decision we have made. Is it a good decision? Does it bring you joy or peace? Does it better your life and the life of others? The key to living intentionally is knowing what you want, focus, and time management. I am going to start a series of blog posts on how to start living intentionally along with ideas to help you get started. This will be a life changer!

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