Live Well

Things To Do If You Are Stuck At Home

We have never in our lifetime known a time like this! I respect the efforts of everyone trying to stop and prevent the spread of the virus. With that said, a lot of schools are closing, events are being cancelled and people are being told to work from home. SO here we are, stuck at home…. now what?!?!?

While I don’t in any way rejoice that there is a virus scare, I do want to encourage you to make the most of the little bit of extra time you may find you now have. Here are a few ways you can fill that time and beat the COVID-19 blues.

  • Start that book you’ve had for a year but haven’t found time to read. Check out books on Amazon here.
  • Find a good show to start watching. I am in NO WAY telling you to spend your day sitting on the couch (no, no, no) but treating yourself to an hour of tv a day on a good series can be a good time to unwind and give your brain a break.
  • Spring clean! This is the perfect time to deep clean your home.
  • Can’t go to the gym? Try streaming Beachbody or DailyBurn. I personally like the Beachbody workouts. They don’t bore me whereas most in home workout videos do (I am not a Beachbody coach).
  • Try new recipes. If you have the time and like to cook (or want to learn to be a better cook) why not find a few new recipes to try. I learned to cook tuna steaks thanks to Jamie Oliver and now they are a family favorite!
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  • Get a head start on the outside work around your house. Spring is right around the corner which means cleaning up what is left after winter and making way for the new Spring growth.
  • Start seeds inside. Do you garden or just want to have fresh herbs for your new cooking hobby? Start seeds inside, watch them grow, then transplant outside after the last frost.
  • Start a new hobby or spend time on the ones you already love. Paint, sew, woodwork, bike, climb, hike, surf, write, craft, or make photo albums. Maybe you’ve wanted to start yoga learn a new language, or learn to knit, now is a good time to start.

  • Go for a walk. Try a trail in the woods away from people. Enjoy the weather that is warming and all the signs of Spring. This is a great ways to beat the lingering Winter blues too. (Just check for ticks after. Have you heard the one about Corona with Lyme? Ha. Ha. We don’t want that.)
  • Spend quality time with your kids. If you have kids and they are home from school enjoy them. Play board games, make cookies, have a movie night, help them with school work, read together, build something together, share in each other’s hobbies, learn something new together. I hate when I hear about kids and parents irritating each other when they are home together. You only get a short while to be together, if your relationship is really that bad, take time to repair it.
  • Start that side hustle. Maybe now is the time to start that side job you’ve been thinking about. Read about it. Try it. Who knows, when it is time to go back to work, maybe you will be the boss.
    Try Shopify to start a online store.
    Want to start a blog? Try Bluehost for a domain and web hosting.
  • Reconnect with friends. If you find yourself with extra time, invite friends over for coffee or go for a walk together. You are not the only one who is going stir crazy at home. I’m sure your friends would love a reason to get out of the house.
  • Tie up any loose ends. Everyone has things that they have been putting off. Schedule your car inspection, do the little house maintenance you’ve been putting off, return the phone calls or emails, go through the junk mail/magazines, just do all the little things you’ve been putting off. Those things stay in the back of your mind and nag adding stress. Take care of it and you’ll be surprised how much better you feel.

I hope that you find something on the list above to help you get through this time of isolation. Who knows, maybe you will learn that you like to have a little extra time alone!

I hope everyone reading this stays healthy during this time!

Prayers and Blessings,


Things to do if you are stuck at home