Live Well

30 Days of Gratitude

November is here! For a lot of people their minds are already on Christmas. Some can barely wait (or don’t) to put their Christmas tree up and start “The most wonderful time of the year”! But I am going to encourage you to pause the rush into Christmas and spend time to focus on gratitude.

November leads up to Thanksgiving, so there is no better time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for in out lives, big or small. Here’s the deal, every day this November spend a moment to write down something you are thankful for. Maybe it is your family, job, or roof over you head. Maybe it is simply a cardinal you see in your yard or that you woke up another day and have another chance.

Try using a gratitude journal like the ones below. They are a great place to jot down what you are grateful for. You could also share what your are thankful for by sharing with others and encourage them to do the same.

This exercise will hopefully help you to slow down a little and brighten your mood. Doing it for 30 days may even make showing gratitude a habit!

I hope you join me in 30 Days of Gratitude this November!