Live Well

365 Days of Personal Growth

This weekend I came across a show where they do a mini documentary on an innovative thinker. They talk about their lives growing up, all of their accomplishments and how they got to the point they are. It was incredibly interesting and inspiring. It was also the kind of show that makes you feel like you haven’t accomplished much in your own life. Instead of getting down about that, I have decided that I want to change a few things to be more like these people I admire.

It is easy to fall into a routine and once you are there you can get stuck. Routine can be great for getting things done efficiently and maintaining stability but it often kills spontaneity, creativity and personal growth. I found this to be very true in my life. I decided that I would focus on personal growth to remedy this.

Everyday I will do something that contributes to my personal growth. It could be learning something new, doing something creative, reading, and it will be everyday. I honestly can’t wait to start! As soon as I had thought about doing 365 of personal growth I felt lighter, happier, a little bit like a kid. I am allowing myself to be creative, have fun, play, try new things and learn. Somehow all of that was lost in adulthood or maybe more so it was lost in marriage and motherhood. I started to think about everyone else and worry if they were getting everything they needed that I gave up all the things I needed. I watched everyone around me grow as a person but I stayed the same. That is not the example I want to set for my children nor is it what I want for my life.

[This video and others can be found on our YouTube channel.]

I encourage you to do the same. If you are not already doing so, start doing something that will help you grow as a person. Maybe it is starting a new hobby you’ve always been interested in or one that you used to do but for some reason stopped. Maybe it is setting aside 30 minutes to read. It could be learning a musical instrument, joining a choir, or taking a painting class. It seems that we tell ourselves we are too busy for things like this but if it is something that you enjoy and makes you a better version of you, make the time.

I would love to hear about your journey of personal growth and what inspires you!